Monday, December 22, 2008

I know I just posted, Shutup

I did just post but I remembered just now that I'm going on a "better person" trip again. I want to improve in body and mind so I have a few things I need to do.

-I'm going to start moisturizing, exfoliating, using toner etc

-I'm going to try exercise to become a healthy Rory

-I'm taking up guitar again

-I'm going to start vlogging.

-I'm going to be studying harder for exams and for scholls

-I'm going to try to be happier and nicer to people (I've noticed I've been less of both recently)

Friends are Family

So my mate from Africa is come and gone. It was nice showing him round but it was so hard to track people down that he didn't get to see all he planed on. It was just a bunch of cases of unfortunate timing.

Recently we had a dinner at a college friend's apartment. It was one of the best dinners of my life. Two other people did the cooking and we all sat around the table joking and laughing and making light fun of each other. It was what I imagine having a big family is like. Since I'm an only child this was a great experience for me. I'd been out to dinner with friends before but eating in is a different experience. It was a great night and I hope the first of many.

I am a very strong believer in the saying "friend's are the family you choose" and my friends are truly my family.

Website stuff was obviously halted by all the goings on but I've decided in a few goal revisions to speed things up. I will not re-format found tutorials but rather I will link to external sites. I will also download the tuts and reformat & upload should the original content go off-line.

I can't wait to see if the UniHuman is received well, I hope it is!

Friday, December 12, 2008

African Visitor + more site update

So one of my friends I met when I was in Africa is coming over to visit. He lives in England and is flying in tomorrow afternoon! I'm going to go meet him in the airport but since parent's are away it's taxi there and back!

I was playing around on my PC and decided I was sick of the old icons for folders for the folders I use most often. Because of this I decided to replace them with jazzy new icons I made myself.

I liked them so much I created desktop shortcuts for all the folders and have them nicely displayed across my screen now. They look great!

I then realized I still needed to make icons for the "game objects" section of my website! Since I already had my nice template I just recoloured the background from orange to a nice sky blue and then used my Bamboo to draw some nice simple icons with the ink brush. I streamlined the procedure by duplicating the background and drawing all the icons first and then saving each one separately as a PNG file. Within half an hour of coming up with the idea the icons were up. I now also have pages set up for each catagory on the site.

The icons are very happy and I really love them. Here is an example of the ones on the site. (I like the colour so much I am concidering changing ubuntu from orange to blue!!)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ok, I had more trouble than expected, didn't want two google accounts

Google like to know who you are.

Google like to know what you are doing.

Google like to know what you think, what you watch and what you say.

Google like you to use your google account for everything.

Because of this for multiple gmail accounts you need multiple google accounts. I don't want multiple gmail accounts so I had to use yahoo despite less functionality. This makes me sad :'(

Still it is. submissions, compliments and complaints.


College is over for a month!!!!

I can't believe how hard a week I had. I was working constantly to get all my assignments done and now I'm finished.

I went out last night and I was a bit tired as I left. I was kept out until after two running on sparse meals, a week of stress and barely any sleep. I finally managed to get away and into bed where I slept until about one today. I wasn't drinking (had one) last night but even though I had a sleep deprivation hangover. I felt horrible all day but am finally coming back into feeling normal. I'm still tired but another good night's sleep should sort me out.

I didn't do any UH site work today but I will get some done tomorrow. Maybe some tonight but probably not. I am still exhausted and like the plan of a nice nights sleep.

I really want to get a few nice tutorials up and running and I do need to get a few more models but I guess as long as there is a basis for a site then it's ok. It will expand over time.

Tomorrow is tutorials day.
Monday is models day.
Tuesday I want to upload.... I probably still wont though...

I guess tonight I could set up the E-Mail accounts... yeah, I'll go do that.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Doesnent work!? I'll make it work!!

So the good people over at synthasite discovered (through other sources) that the software wasn't fully compatible with linux... and fixed it. I have just finished putting up some nice pictures on BGECentral.

I also put up what I feel are non invasive ads (I may put more obvious ones on the UH download page since it took so much effort to put together) and a "ad search" bar. Basically the ads are small banners at the bottom of the page and the search bar is a search bar at the top of the page. Simple as! I will pocket some of the earnings from the site as a sort of return for the work I put in but it's more likely to be a drink for me and some friends rather than a mortgage payment. The rest of the money will go towards things like buying a URL (The first 14.99 will go to this) and commissioning models for the site.

An idea I want to focus on as well is running a competition on the site. This can range from small competitions such as best addition of the month ($20 prize) to annual game competitions where the top three entries get prizes from $100 to $300 or maybe other things. This is in no way an official announcement it is just my musings on what the profits could be spent on. I am not making the site to turn a profit I am doing it to provide resources to a slightly unsung engine.

Aside from BGEC stuff I have been mondo busy with college and am killing myself daily to stay on top of things *sad face* but I fight on because I only have 3 days and on lab left.... (and three lab reports and a project and a group project to plan before the holidays) I'm sure it will be fine...

Still not up... but getting there

Ok so yeah I said that within a week that the site would be up. I wasn't lying but its not up. The thing is that I just don't have time to power through the work I need to get done yet.

The plus side is that UniHuman is ready to go online. It has been rigged, UV unwrapped and is finally what I consider good enough for launch. He has enough morphs for basic shape matching and a bit of post sculpting will get models perfect.

The model repository is not quite what I would like it to be. I didn't come close to my launch targets. I also haven't gotten the E-Mail accounts for submissions and suggestions set up.

That said I did update the page and have it formatted so it will be easy to start adding content.

I have begun work on starting the tutorials. I have a few planned to make

-Creating a character with UniHuman
-Face matching with UniHuman
-Making custom UniHuman morphs
-Servo controls for realistic character movement

There will be a combination of video tutorials and written tutorials. Each Video tutorial will also have a written version, probably with screen caps and time signatures instead of sshots.

One of the main problems is that the online site editor is incompatible with linux (well partialy, I did all I've done so far on my ubuntu pc but now it reveals features it doesn't support, like image uploading!).

Anyway, I will keep working in my spare time. I have a tonne of college work to get through this week so I will probably need to take the week off but I will get it launched over christmas and hopefully within a week or two