Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Stuff and more...

So I finaly have my graphics tablet. Getting it to work in Gimp and Inkscape required some .dll nonesence but it works like a dream now and I heart digital painting. It is so fun and fast. I dont think I will have any problem making graphics for games now... except for inspiration of cource.

Havent gotten the book yet, I will tomorrow as I have a tonne of random things to buy. 
-A filofax
-An A4 sketch pad and refil pad
-A large white shirt
-Coloured Card

I want to play Silent Hill 5. It got shit reviews and looks crap but I think I will rent it on friday and play through it. Renting seams to be the new black. A tenner for a week and games are shorter thease days anyway. you almost always finish on rental unless it's an RPG.

No Gemini news... Should have some some day but none at the moment. I also have ANOTHER game concept I want to work on. I hate when this happens!

oh, and it's now October...

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