No online colab for me. This is 2 people, working on a story, battle system and art style in the same country! The bonus is no lag and I can go to his house if he decides to disapear!
In all seriousness though, he and I got into game making together and have always wanted to colab. We have had various ideas but never gone all the way through. This time we have a foundation layed so I know we will get the job done.
in the real world....
We got a new shead today. It is made of wood and moderatly smaller than our old shead. It is also at the other side of the garden. That said it does have a lot less rot than our old one and as such I beleive it is a safer place to protect our rusty tools and neglected bicycles.
Also the day I get my Graphics tablet draws ever near. I dont want my hopes to raise for fear of dissapointment but it could be tomorrow... on the other hand it could be monday... monday would be worse but as long as it gets here. As soon as I get it configured to the gimp I am going to start doing Gemini concept work, possibly painting sprites, and making a tile set. I can also use it in inkscape If I choose to keep the vector sprites that took SO long to make... A graphical style I would like to use is that used in the concept art for Street Fighter. That would be awesome.
untill my next blog
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