So I have finaly finished working on the template for the RPG I am working on. Boy it took ages, and I was only tracing someone's pixel art template to get a nice vector one! I think it is quite good and am very proud of it. After I have filled in a few more of my character sheets I will start vector spriting my characters.
The sprite to the left is an example of what a character may look like. It is my first attempt at drawing the lead character. His likeness will probably change quite a bit but this should give a gist of the style of graphics I am going for.
I finaly got round to reading the rules and boy are there a lot of them! Many of them I would expect but I was suprised to learn that I would have to include a splash screen at the start of the game (and they are strict about its presentation, very!). Not only that but there is a file size limit. Not overly suprising and It realy just presents a bit more of a self limiting challenge but I hadn't even concidered it. It looks like some of the fancyer looking sections I have been planning are out. The limit is moderate, 50MB, not tiny but not cutscene and audio friendly. I was planing to include some of my "dream scenes" set to songs that I love and that have inspired me over the years to make games/ other art but now it would be a true challenge to fit them in. Hopefully I will get to keep a couple of them.
Well I have a lot of planning left to do. I cant start map design untill I have the story cemented so I will begin on cementing tomorrow. I also need my list of items, attacks, baddies and party members so I can finish designing the battle system.
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