Thursday, August 28, 2008

Computer Games and chocolate

I'm not a huge fan of chocolate. Most people fail to understand this. I can take it or leave it where as the majority of people I admit this character flaw depend heavily on the substance to get through the tougher days. The fact is the world is full of chocoholics who don't understand why anyone would choose any other sort of life.

I'm not a huge fan of chocolate but Lindor is an exception to that rule.

So last night I saw The dark knight (great film) and I opened a pack of Lindor. I had quite a few but left about half the box. Today I was sitting at my computer and the box was there. This is not a good thing... I ate the second half. That's right, I ate an entire pack in under 24hrs... It was disgusting. The worst part is that its not all the junk food I ate! I had some cake and crisps as well. It looks like I will have to have an extra park session to make up for the travesty.

What I did do that I'm proud of is I bought Bionic Commando: Rearmed off the PSN. It was a good purchase. It is fun, challenging and has a funny yet compelling storyline. My favourite joke so far went as follows [SPOILER ALLERT]

Soldier 2: We wont be finding anyone able to break in to that (or something, Its not important)

Soldier 1: No, ROFL

Soldier 2: Stop laughing and get off the floor

Anyway, I'm enjoying the game because of its classic flair. It has controls that are not intuitive to start with but allow you to preform a wealth of maneuvers that require genuine skill. Games aren't like this any more.

Its games like this that make me want to return to game making. While its true I never really left game making I haven't undertaken a project with serious view to complete for quite some time now. I have been coming up with quite a few ideas lately but I think I know which one I would like to develop. It is a side scrolling action RPG as yet without a name.

I think the tool set I will use to make the game is the ever controversial "game maker" by yoyogames (free version of course). I'm going to do a bit of planning but if I decide to go ahead with this project it will need to be done before October as that is when I go back to college. That means strict schedule and a lot of hard work. I may try to make it a collaboration but chances are that I will end up doing it all myself which means music, graphics and "programming". It will be fun!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I climbed a tree!

So today as I planned I set out for the park at around one. I brought climbing gloves, water, a hat and my phone and wallet in a backpack. As I approached the park I saw the wall ahead of me and the gate about 300m down the path. Since the plan for the day was to have fun climbing and running etc. I hopped the wall and began my day.

In the first area, an area with a tonne of ramps made for mountain biking there were a few nice trees. I spent about 20 min running up the ramps and climbing random trees. After that I decided to go for an explore. I climbed a few more trees and sprinted down and up between the small hills before climbing a few of the steeper parts. I wound up making my way out as far as Clontarf and back over a period of about 3 hours. I went up and down quite a few trees and did a lot of jogging, sprinting and walking. I had a really great time but was exhausted on the way home. I like how each tree is like a puzzle. You circumnavigate before deciding the best way up. Sometimes when you get up a bit higher new routes look more interesting. the solution is constantly evolving and always interesting.

I don't know if I will go back tomorrow but I will be going to the park a few times a week for a few hours. It is just a lot of fun. I might even get some friends in on the act. We could have races, time ourselves running up banks and it would be nice having a bit of company despite how calming the seclusion is. Four eyes are better than one and that means interesting paths to follow etc. will be spotted more often.

Got to love the public park

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Park life

So today I began my new lifestyle... well sort of.... I did manage to avoid eating much more junk (I ended up eating that pack of crisps). That said I did manage to get up off my backside and go for a walk!

I was just going to walk up along the coast so I brought my PSP for music, my phone and my wallet so my pockets were pretty full. not only that I wore my new vans which have a bit of white on them. As I walked down the cycle track that runs along the coastline I saw St. Anne's Park looming ahead. I decided that I would be a nice place to go as I haven't been there in a while. I walked in the main gate and was about to go up the main path towards my home when I saw an Alsation/German Shepard running down the path and on the smaller one down to the side. I decide to follow and soon I saw one of the duck-ponds up ahead. It was a beautiful sight (despite gratuitous amounts of litter and algae) and I stopped there for a few minuets and watched a duck who had an itchy foot. There are few things quite as awkward as a Duck trying to swim and chew its foot at the same time.

After I had amused myself for a while I got back to my walk. Eventually I realized the potential for fun and exercise. There are trees to climb and hills to hike up and down. there is even near vertical slopes for climbing. The problem was that all the paths, hills, and cliff faces are dirt. The fun stuff was dirt and I had loaded pockets and white shoes. I decided to refrain from the park as a playground and just walked through normally.

Tomorrow, however, I shall return to the park in track gear and hiking boots and I will climb a tree and the hills and all that stuff in the name of fitness... long as it isn't raining...

Bars, Booze and Biscuits

Ever since I have come home from South Africa I have noticed a sad little change to my lifestyle. I am not living as healthily as I would like to, as I used to or as I need to. Last night I went out and had far too much to drink. this morning when I woke up I decided to go for a few milky-way bars, 6 jammey dodgers (biscuits or "cookies" if you are American/Canadian) and a banana. That is what I ate for breakfast. I also had a pack of salt and vinegar crisps to devour but I was so sick with what I had already put in my body that I couldn't stomach them. They are still on the coffee table waiting for me to eat them. This is an especially bad change in life-style as I used to be made fun of for only eating healthy foods.

I watch a lot of reality t.v. and one of the shows I watch is the biggest loser. It is a show about very obese people who are trying to change their lives for the better by exercise and eating healthy. When the contestants are on screen and they start talking about the eating habits they used to have and how they got to where they are I get very scared. This is because I see myself at the beginning of the path they went down. These days I live a sedentary life fuelled by junk food. This has to change.

I am not overweight. I am still in moderately good shape but I am not fit and if I continue eating and living the way I am at the moment I will become obese. That is not something I want. Because it is hard to get motivated to go outside due to Irish weather it will be difficult getting out and doing regular exercise. I also live an hour or two from the nearest mountains so hiking is a tricky thing to organise. I will change my eating habits and prevent developing heavy drinking habits. Instead I will organise healthier ways for me and my friends to hand out and hopefully get off the fast track for the grave that I seem to be desperate to get on.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A new computer and its time to blog

I am now the proud owner of a brand new Acer Aspire one. It is a netbook sold by, well you guessed it, Acer. I decided that since I have this new handy piece of hardware it is about time I started blogging. The machine is so light and portable I will be able to use it to write wherever and whenever I am near an internet access point. It really defected my final excuse for keeping my thoughts locked up in my head.

I guess that, If you are reading this, you want to know a bit more about me than the computer I am typing on. Well I could summarize myself into a few brief sentences or I could write an epic depending on my mood. I will try to find some middle ground. I am an Irish student who just turned 20 last month while I was doing conservation research in South Africa and Mozambique. I like music, computers, video games and art. I love making things from clothes to computer games. I love all types of expression through different mediums and believe something like a bag or an indie game can be as expressive as the most soulful poem.
I am a biology and chemistry student and I love nature and everything about it. I like the luxury of a bed and a warm place to sleep but I don't see myself passing up an opportunity to go camping. I live near a beach and walk my dog Islay on it from time to time.

I draw and write poetry and am trying to get good at photography so I will probably post a few pictures and poems. I am also interested in making movies so its likely that I will upload a couple of animations or something here. whenever I get around to making them that it.

Well thats enough for a first point, in summary, Acer, Irish, 20, likes stuff, will post stuff... thanks for reading!