Thursday, August 28, 2008

Computer Games and chocolate

I'm not a huge fan of chocolate. Most people fail to understand this. I can take it or leave it where as the majority of people I admit this character flaw depend heavily on the substance to get through the tougher days. The fact is the world is full of chocoholics who don't understand why anyone would choose any other sort of life.

I'm not a huge fan of chocolate but Lindor is an exception to that rule.

So last night I saw The dark knight (great film) and I opened a pack of Lindor. I had quite a few but left about half the box. Today I was sitting at my computer and the box was there. This is not a good thing... I ate the second half. That's right, I ate an entire pack in under 24hrs... It was disgusting. The worst part is that its not all the junk food I ate! I had some cake and crisps as well. It looks like I will have to have an extra park session to make up for the travesty.

What I did do that I'm proud of is I bought Bionic Commando: Rearmed off the PSN. It was a good purchase. It is fun, challenging and has a funny yet compelling storyline. My favourite joke so far went as follows [SPOILER ALLERT]

Soldier 2: We wont be finding anyone able to break in to that (or something, Its not important)

Soldier 1: No, ROFL

Soldier 2: Stop laughing and get off the floor

Anyway, I'm enjoying the game because of its classic flair. It has controls that are not intuitive to start with but allow you to preform a wealth of maneuvers that require genuine skill. Games aren't like this any more.

Its games like this that make me want to return to game making. While its true I never really left game making I haven't undertaken a project with serious view to complete for quite some time now. I have been coming up with quite a few ideas lately but I think I know which one I would like to develop. It is a side scrolling action RPG as yet without a name.

I think the tool set I will use to make the game is the ever controversial "game maker" by yoyogames (free version of course). I'm going to do a bit of planning but if I decide to go ahead with this project it will need to be done before October as that is when I go back to college. That means strict schedule and a lot of hard work. I may try to make it a collaboration but chances are that I will end up doing it all myself which means music, graphics and "programming". It will be fun!

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