Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sick and Depressed

So I have been sick and prety much housebound for the past few days. I'm still not better entirely but I'm on my way. This is great because when I get sick or loose ability to do things I like, even simple things like jumping around or acting like an idiot I get depressed.

I mean it is quite normal. If you are used to being able to just run up the stairs or go climb a tree or swim in the sea and all of a sudden it is taken away from you you get depressed. It is very upsetting not to be able to do what you are used to.

I have been putting some though into making videos and I have a few that I would like to make. One is about time I spent in a hospital, another is about hats. I'm normal, I sware...

Well, aswel as this I have also been adding some Ideas, new and old, to my game ideas book. I am going to sort through all the Gemini stuff and stick it into it. I amn't going to make this game for a while. If anything I want to make a new survival horror game using the Blender Game Engine. I saw a showcase done in it lately and with the new softboddies and real time lighting it is becomming quite robust. My printer is broken so I cant print off any interesting little bits of information but I hope to be able to get the hang of it.

It seems the majority of these effects can be achieved quite easily using the GUI and Survival Horror gameplay isn't the most taxing to assemble. I even have a nice stylised universe created with (What I feel is) some interesting little things to include. I hope to use the depth of field filter in the game. I have to wrap my head arround it but DOF is one of those things that can make or break graphics and it looks fairly easy to impliment it to work in this. I just have to decide on the camera type (staic or trailing).

I think if I do make this game I will use actors for the cutscenes and concider getting help for the scenery building. I would like the levels to be dark and well made. There will be 7 levels, each with a boss and the story will be quite ambiguous. The combat mechanic still needs to be thought out as does the items and weapons but I am liking the direction I have been taking with this. It is inspired by Suda51's "No More Heroes" and to a greater extent his "Killer7".

anyway, here is the credit's song from portal for some reason:

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